Monday, August 20, 2018


Hey Cheaturds! I didn't really cheat that hard on Cheat Day on account of I didn't lose any weight. Also, I am not going to cut my hair until I am 220 lbs! WHAT ABOUT THAT?!

What DID happen is we had a bachelor party for ROB FENTON and we went on a boat! It was awesome! Sausage KING Logan Conner cooked up some MEAN sausages which I put on a roll and covered in giardiniera and mustard. (I know, not VERY Cheat-like, but they were delicious)

What WAS Cheat-like were the copious amounts of alcohol! The tastiest of which was some Cabo Wabo Tequila which made it out to the lake and was passed around for the sipping. Oh, the boat had a slide off the back of it, which was awesome!

I also had Jim Beam, Tecates, Coors Lights, Trulys flavored water alcohol drink thing (which was indeed pretty clutch on that boat in the sun) and of course some Red Bulls.

OH OH! When we got off the boat Awesome Abby and Jackie the Jerk made us mini tacos, lil'mini dumplings and chips and salsa/guacamole at Yousof and Abby's beautiful home! That was pretty clutch too, amidst all the drinking!

I can't tell you anything else, cause it was a bachelor party and all the GOOD stuff will live only in the minds and hearts of all of us bachelors long after we're dead (married) ourselves. Congrats to Rob Fenton on getting hitched! I'm sure the fun won't stop regardless of marriage, though I am sure it will slow a it should! Take care of yourselves, take care of each other, eat like your life depended on it!


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