Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A little Pig Skin…in more ways than one!

Zach: Hey Cheaters, Zany Zach Finch here to fill you in on the latest in Cheat Day FUN! This cheat day was fairly low key. Last Sunday was the first Sunday I had actually gained wait while participating in the Slow Carb diet. It's to be expected, if there is less wait to lose it must be harder to lose right? RIGHT!

Andy Reid (USAToday)
They didn't put the KC Chiefs on TV yet AGAIN in Chicago. What game did they play instead? Patriots/Dolphins! Who cares! Either way my Chiefs, led by one of the best cheaters out there Andy Reid, remain undefeated! Seriously this guy must think EVERY day is Cheat Day..amirite! Crazy bastard. They took down what seems to be a much lamer Browns team than projected at the start of the season. As long as the Reidster keeps winning I'll keep playfully picking on him, once he loses though I'm gonna get mean! Just keep the cheating off the field! Cheating is only for CHEAT DAY.

Liz and I began this Cheat Day with a call to Dominoes from bed. One of the best things to do!…NOT move and have the carb-y-est food delivered to your doorstep. I ate half a medium pizza topped with pepperoni, italian sausage, and bacon (this is the first way pig skin was had). We also got their addictingly delicious garlic cheesy bread stuffed with jalapenos and bacon (more pig skin). We enjoyed this deliciously unhealthy meal while beginning the series "Homeland." We are only 2 episodes in but so far it is as good as the word of mouth has been dictating…which is REALLY good.

Although I have started struggling a bit with the pound sheddage I went ahead and ate the entire half of cheese garlic break AND Medium pizza. Liz, being a wee girl, gave a couple of her slices to Jacob, who crashed on the couch the previous nights. I'd say of all friends and roommates Jacob reaps the most benefits from cheat day. I choose to call them benefits, although they could also be known as left overs, scraps, trash! Either way, he's good to have around.

Once my roommates woke up we went to our family brunch at the Dinner Diner. I had a plate of corned beef hash, eggs, and hash browns. YES my stomach DID hurt it was so full…GOD. I made reference to an old joke my uncle Dan would always tell while junk food binging on vacation. He'd say, "my god, I'm filled up to here (referencing to just below his chin) on cheesesteaks." This is indeed how I felt. Liz was still full from pizza so she only ate half a grilled cheese sandwich with bacon (pig skin).

We then went over to the Giamichael Palace where we were fed caramels and Reese's! GOT to love Halloween time. The candy that is everywhere is JUST perfect for cheat day! We caught a ride back to Liz's with some free stuff the G's were giving to her. It was a beautiful day and Jacob came up with the brilliant idea to go to a park with a frisbee AND…you guessed it, a PIG SKIN! That's right folks! Pig skin ALL DAY LONG! It was so nice to get out doors and run around a bit…even though I was painfully full. Our friend Mike Hamilton met up with us for a bit and we had a grand old time over at Winnemac Park.
Trailer Park Boys (

We left and went to another cheat day staple, Dunkin Donuts. I got a pumpkin spice latte and 25 pumpkin donut holes to split with Liz and Jacob. It was all I could eat the rest of the day….THAT'S NOT TRUE! I'm a liar! I ate a little microwaveable Chef-Boy-R-Dee Beffaroni cup while watching Trailer Park Boys. Liz, Jacob and I are going as the Trailer Park Boys for Halloween. It's gonna be the TITS! Anyway, sorry I don't have anything too fancy to review for you this week! GO TRY Baker & Nosh! Seriously, good shit!…Alright everybody Have a spooky and fun Halloween. If you're on the diet and it ain't yo cheat day be strong, you can eat ALL that left over discounted candy on Cheat Day!

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