Saturday, October 26, 2013

NOSHIN' on CARBS/ Cheat day-Cheap Day

There is one thing that is clear on this diet: I MISS CARBS. (Beer is a carb. I miss beer.)

I have been walking by a bakery on Wilson every morning since working for Chicago Apartment Finders, and I have always wanted to walk in. However, since I've been doing this diet since Jan. 1st, 2013, I have not had a chance to try its delicious goods. It is always full of people, and in the course of living here in Chicago, it has expanded 2 storefronts. I really wanted to give it a try. So, after a candy in bed breakfast, Zach and I ventured up Greenview Ave. (full of "holy SHIT!" houses) to Baker and Nosh on Wilson very close to the Wilson Red Line Stop.

Upon entering, a very kind lady described everything behind the glass. A lot had been picked over by the early afternoon, but most of the good stuff had at least one item left. We couldn't decide, so we decided to get pretty much EVERYTHING:

1 raisin sticky bun
1 ham and cheese croissant (they only have croissants on the weekends)
1 artichoke n' cheese focaccia bread square
1 pastrami and cheese sandwich
2 bowls of chorizo gumbo
2 pumpkin spice lattes
1 sourdough roll
1 whole wheat roll

There were epic looking chocolate chip brownies...but we decided to save those for another time.

HOLY MOTHER, it was all delicious. The sandwich...o man...if you are into sandwiches, GO TO THIS PLACE. Not only is the bread fresh and soft, but the meats and cheeses they use are PRIMO. Croissant was buttery and amazeballs, and the sticky bun...ooooof. The pumpkin spice latte was great, but Zach commented on how much he still liked the Dunkin' Donuts latte. I appreciated this one because it tasted like real fresh creme and it was made by a real barista, but still for stuff like that, you can go cheap and still be happy. The gumbo was delicious, but I felt like the baked goods overshadowed it. I'd like to try some more of their soups that are cream based.

After, we were feelin' pretty pregnant, but we still wanted to visit their cheese store to see what they had to offer. We bought a small block of pepper jack cheese, and a salted caramel gelato to share. We were making so many YUM noises walking down the street eating the gelato, people were turning their heads. This place also gives baking lessons if you're wanting to learn. I'd like to take one at some point. Two Thumbs UP. Cheat day MECCA.

We cut up the cheese and put it on thin crackers while watching football, and some of The League, and It's Always Sunny, curled up like little cats on each other and took a long ass nap. Then parted ways as Zach had a rehearsal. Earlier, we procured some of our favorite cheap options for cheat day: Velveeta Mac for this guy, and Chef Boyardee Ravioli for Zach. Cheat day doesn't always have to be about going out. The cheapest food is some of the worst for you. Why not take advantage? Not that this diet necessarily breaks your bank. Meats and veggies can get expensive, but if you're not adding in all the other stuff you'd normally buy, like breads and chips, etc. it cuts your grocery shopping costs down a lot. Plus, beans and eggs are super cheap. However, because you're consolidating all your junk food and going out time into one day, sometimes it equals out. It depends on how hard you wanna cheat.

Well guys, I'm ashamed to say it...but...I'm a non-cheat day cheater this week. My friend Macki--who is one of the best cooks, bakers, sandwich makers EVER, made bacon wrapped dates the other night, and I couldn't resist. Hence why I stayed the same weight this week. I also may be drinking too many diet drinks with fake sugar and may be staving off my hunger with too many nuts. This can sort of compromise the diet. Its a tricky one to master, but once mastered, it can really effect things. Like your friendships with people who make amazing food. They will get mad at you. Also, your friends who want you to drink beer during the week. They will not understand. But Zach, who is a master, stayed strong this week. And I think he will reap the benefits...however we did promise ourselves that we would eat popcorn and drink beer at The Brew and View tonight...and Halloween is on a Thursday...decisions, decisions.

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