Friday, November 8, 2013

It's Getting Harder to Lose, So Let's Keep WINNING!

Zach: Effin'-A Cheaters! Did you miss us this week? NO?! Well go Ef yourselves! I tell you what, I am stuck. Stuck at 28 lbs lost! I can't seem to get past it. I am weighing in at 211 pretty consistently. This isn't a bad weight for a man of my size, 6'2", especially considering what I was 239 lbs. My original goal was to get down to 200 lbs and then begin working out. Not lifting real hard or nothing, just push ups, pull ups, sit-up, planks, and v ups. But, I'm wondering if I should take what life has thrown at me and just begin the process now, a little earlier than expected…this next Cheat Day will tell.
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The reason this post has taken me so long is because the entirety of this past cheat day was spent on the couch. They finally put the Kansas City Chiefs game on the TV here in the fine city of Chicago. And not a moment too soon neither as they played the Bills of Buffalo, New York. The Buffalo Bills are Liz's favorite team and traditionally they are as AWFUL as the Chiefs. Well they clearly are staunch followers of tradition, because unlike the Chiefs they remain awful. The Chiefs beat the Bills 23-13 in a  come from behind victory. Neither offense did much of anything with the amazingly talented KC defense scoring most of the points for the Chiefs. KC goes into a bye week this week, but their stellar defense will face the terrifying Denver offense when they come back next Sunday. They have moved next Sunday's game to be the nationally televised night game because the chiefs are crushing ass like Derek Jeter, or like me after a Cheat Day. As for the Bills…ask Liz.
image from (why? I don't know go investigate

However! From the couch, bright and early again…IN time for the game I ordered 2 Large Pizzas, from Dominos again because it is cheap. 1 had pepperoni and mushrooms, the other had bacon, italian sausage, and green peppers. I also had to get my favorite, bacon and jalapeno stuffed cheesy garlic bread. This order lasted us ALL day! Also, before the game I grabbed a 30-pack of Miller High Life…also lasted us all day. And, even though I drank them beers all throughout the day I did not even get a little drunk. I did, however, get drunk on victory! With the Chiefs winning and this being the last great cheat day for a while, due to the holiday season coming to terrorize this diet, I would say this day of shit food and laziness was utmost victorious!
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Liz had to go do a Jazz singing gig at a coffee shop in Pilsen. What was the name of that joint again Liz? She does it the 1st Sunday of every month. So, if you want to spend a nice leisurely day getting coffee and being serenaded by a HOT songstress go do that. I'll probably be heading back down that way some time soon. She came back and gave me tacos since Pilsen has a heavy Mexican population and that usually means great tacos. They were great, even though they were vegan, the salsa was on point though. I ate them, we watched Homeland and fell asleep, feeling disgusting, but totally ready to make this week the strictest dietary week we've had. And it has been…let's keep moving forward!

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