Thursday, January 2, 2014

Holiday Season is a Cheat Season.

Zach: HEY! Cheaters! It's been a spell ya know?! The lovely Liz and I stopped having real cheat days since it is nearly impossible to eat completely healthy the rest of the week and countless people offer you free cookies, candies, chips, popcorn, cake, pie, whole MEALS for god sake. I shot right back up to 228 at my heaviest but hovered mostly around 220 lbs. The lowest I reached was 211 lbs. 

From KC Chiefs official Facebook Page
Now it is a new year and of course it is the perfect time for challenges. I strongly encourage anyone dissatisfied with their current weight to attempt the slow carb diet as your weekly holiday we know as Cheat Day will become a weekly holiday season wrapped up into one day. As they new year starts and the Football season begins to wrap up (Go Chiefs) Liz and I have decided to move Cheat Day back to Saturdays. If anyone has any suggestions for places or things to eat in particular please leave a comment or email me or hit me up on FB. 

This week we are going to start slow with only a cheat meal at the Bad Apple in Lincoln Square! I will let you know all about it next week.

The Cheat Season, aka Halloween through New Years, was epic. The week of Christmas was spent in San Diego, easily the highlight of the season, tasting the local fast food-like fare. I made a stop at Sombrero, to pay homage to Blink 182. In&Out because you like…have to..right? And then my favorite place was Lucha Libre, the gourmet taco place with a food challenge that was featured on Man Vs. Food. 

We just stumbled into it, otherwise I'd have tried to schedule an eating challenge (which requires 24 hours advanced notice). All I had was a queso taco but it was enough to make me swoon. The corn tortilla has a layer of crispy grilled cheese melted to it before the added the traditional taco fillings. Top notch I must say. I loved San Diego and I recommend anyone go there any time of year, but especially winter so you can escape the cold or a minute!

Lucha Libre Screenshot from
All right cheaters! I hope you missed me as much as I missed you. See you next week. And Gabriella say HAPPY FUCKING NEW YEAR! fistbump!
Gabriella! Giant Fist!…which I later broke...

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