Friday, November 22, 2013

Running out of Cheat Days…Thanksgiving Preview

Zach: Hi Cheaters! So last Cheat Day we pretty anti-climactic. Cheat Day has indeed become imbedded in my mind and in my soul as a day to gorge myself almost to the point on incapacitation. However, this has become less of a celebratory thing as the weight has ceased it's dropping. With the Holiday Season coming up and my weight loss hitting a plateau I fear that the life of Cheat Day may have an impending end. For now I will continue to report on the proper ways of cheating. I will also seek an altered method of Cheat Day so that poundage will continue to shed!

NOW, last cheat day….I ate cookies and cake in bed along with the lovely Liz. I then ate a non-Cheat Day meal for real breakfast (eggs, beans, and broccoli) and took a KILLER nap in the wake of an outrageous storm that struck down on Northern, IL. It was really cool to watch but was apparently really brutal on some outlying towns/neighborhoods. Which sucks and my thoughts go out to them!

I then ordered Chinese food for lunch and it was AWESOME, I miss chinese food. The food was from Orange Garden on Irving Park…yes AGAIN. It is a really not bad Chinese for the North Side Chicago.  Liz got off of work and she and I went to the Giamichael's for dinner! It was very nice to get a home cooked meal. Especially when it was pasta and bread! PERFECT for Cheat Day!

Later that night it was my good friend Rob's surprise birthday party and I got pretty rip roarin' drunk off of beer and whiskey, another perfect thing to do on cheat day. It was a fairly low key party held in a store front art space, but it was ton of fun to see all the old friends back again! It was a great low key way to end a low key Cheat Day.

I am not sure what next Cheat Day holds as Thanksgiving (most epic of ALL cheat days) is next Thursday. Also, without cheat day as this blog's niche this really just turns into another lame food blog…so we'll see how this goes!

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