Saturday, October 15, 2022

My First Cheat Meal in Charlotte, NC

Well Busters, I made it over half of Cheat Day without having any delicious delicious cheat food. I credit that MOSTLY to driving to Charlotte, NC but ALSO because as we all know I was one fat FAT FATTY last week and needed to punish myself a little more. 

I'm in Charlotte for a 50th birthday party for this dude I've never met. He's a rich guy and a former professional soccer player, so this party was dope AF. Cuban food truck, catering waiters walking around with treats aplenty, buckets of beer all around the yard, a table with piles of cigars and a bar fully stocked with top shelf booze. Did I just wander into heaven on my first ever Cheat Meal?! You be the judge.

Upon arrival the young children of the man of honor are bouncing, taking names and giving wrist bands and generally putting the heat on anyone who WAS NOT invited. Luckily, I know people. After introductions and some obligatory pics I swipe some fried rice balls and some mini cuban sandwiches from the waiters. 

More time goes by and I FINALLY make it for the bar. TEQUILA please and lots of it. All different kinds until it finally landed on Cava De Oro and it's GOT DANG delicious, I could drink it neat and I did. With that delicious warmth in my belly it's time to hit the Cuban Food truck. I get an order of whatever the hell this declicous stuff is:

It's some kind of sauced up meat over rice and I wanted more. But, instead I got some of this:

A full on Cuban Sandwich and some dank ass empanadas. 

The night goes on and fades away. I eat fruit and cheese from the charcuterie in the dining room. I pound beers from the buckets. I do my dancing duty. I smoke a cigar. I got REAL close to a burlesque dancer (stripper) getting naked for the birthday boy. And I was a sham-friend toasting champagne after signing happy birthday.

Another week has gone by without measurements. I promise I will get back to the metrics next week. Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other. Eat like your life depends on it.


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