Monday, September 10, 2018

Still No Cheat Day...No Real Weight Loss Either

Hello what is left of Cheat Nation. I am sad to report that I've lost number one fan, Alex. I get it. If you can't take a Cheat Day blog from a guy who no longer CHEAT DAYS then take a break. But come on back with Cheat Day, because it will be back.

I am 2 weeks strong on the no drinking front. However, if I am to be perfectly honest, I have taken sips of friends beverages and that is it. Nowhere near drunk or buzzed or any of that. I still haven't really lost weight. BUT, I feel better and I've been exercising more, which is probably a direct result from not drinking any longer.

"What have I eaten to treat myself?" you ask? is SO much harder to remember when it doesn't all take place on one day. So let's work backward.

Yesterday I ate Taco Bell after improv class and then ate some famous Giamichael pasta aliche. Saturday I had a Cuban sangwitch at Dinner Diner. Friday I was good. Thursday I was good. Wednesday, I ate Taco Bell before doing two Stand-Up open mics. And then Tuesday was good.

Fuck, ya'll. I guess I'm pretty boring for you now. BUT, I am doing more stand-up, editing a web series, and I got cast in a production of Picasso at the Lapin Agile. So! I got that going for me! Just a couple more weeks til I can start drinking again! No worries everybody! I'll be back in full force soon! EATEATEATEATEAT like your life depends on it. Take care of yourselves. Take care of each other.


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