Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Power of Bacon

Liz: Any dish, no matter what it is, will be better with bacon on it. I don't care if you're a vegetarian. I bet you still love the smell of bacon cooking. I don't know what it is about those strips of pig fat cooking in their own lard juices that is so amazingly tantalizing, but I do know that I WANT IT IN MY MOUTH.

The week before last cheat day, Zach and I got this wonderful idea from a buzzfeed of different awesome foods you could make at home with whatever was around (like a homemade butterfinger bar out of peanut butter, baker's chocolate, and candy corn). When I saw the idea to wrap bacon into a cinnabun... I was like WE ARE DOING THAT. 

It is the American way to wrap things in bacon. Hell, I plan to wrap my Christmas presents in bacon. You're welcome.

So we tried this idea with some bacon (that was on sale!) the Jewel Osco brand cinnabun log. While they were a fantastic truffle of gooey fat and sugar, we would recommend using a plumper cinnabun (not the cheap brand) and leaner, thinner pieces of bacon (ours were thickly cut and fat LADEN). You want that crispy bacon and soft bread...o yes...yes you do.

The rest of the day, both of us had to go off doin' our own bizznaz, so we had already pre-planned our own cheaper, grocery cheat day treats: fer Zach--meat and sharp cheddar sandwiches, and fer me--Velveeta shells and cheese...with the extra bacon crumbled into it. O YES.

I went to my boss' apartment to practice for a gig, and he had a whole spread of great stuff, so I of course, indulged in cheat day fashion. However, when I got to my shells and gooey cheese and bacon in the evening, I felt really sick. The non-cheat days will shrink your stomach so your cheat day eyes are bigger than your stomach. I felt like a disgusting ROMAN. However, the sickness subsided, and sleepy time took over. 

Happy Cheat Day everyone! Can't wait for the cheat day coming up that ALL OF YOU WILL PARTICIPATE IN WITH US: Thanksgiving. 

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