Monday, September 23, 2013

Zach's First Cheat Day Entry

Zach: Dear diary, this will go down in history as my first ever blog post! Cheat Day has been good to me. As Liz said I have lost 20s of lbs., 25.6lbs to be exact. And I got to tell you Cheat Days are THE saving grace of this weight loss program. It is like a weekly holiday. A "Sabbath" if you will. A day of rest. Zach hath created a less hideous body in 6 days and on the 7th day he CHEATED! That kind of thing.

I won't bore you with the strenuous details of the diet itself, go buy this geniuses book for that. Instead I will reg-ail you with tales of half dozen donuts, smothered burritos, and as George Costanza would recommend: taking a bite out of a block of cheese like it were an apple. It is hard for me to recollect all my Cheat Days so in this initial blog post I will simply go over some of my favorite Cheat Day adventures.

First and foremost, a trip to the Dinner Diner on Irving Park Rd. in Chicago, IL is always a recommended choice. It is cheap, delicious, and it is a blast watching how efficient those fry cooks are. One time I got a stack of pancakes, an order of hash browns and a double bacon cheeseburger! "Did I finish it all," you scoff? You bet your sweet "playin' by the rules" ass I did! Cheat day for life mother fuckers!

Last weekend I was at Chicago's own punk fest extraordinaire, Riot Fest, in Humbolt Park for cheat day. There I ate a chocolate and bacon cream puff, a Polish Plate complete with potato pancakes, polish sausage, and pirogi; a watermelon ice cream slushi and then right before Blink 182 played a corn dog and a funnel cake. If my 13 year old self met me today he'd say, "Way to keep it REAL, you svelte SOB."

And, perhaps my fondest cheat day memory, if you can call it that, to date: The 4th of July. It was ballsy to move Cheat Day from a Saturday to a Thursday this early in the process but it was well worth it for me. We kicked this Cheat Day of revolutionary proportions off with a power hour fueled by High Life and PBR. We chased that down with a lil'old bottle of Wild Turkey's Honey Bourbon, all before we'd even eaten anything yet! We made our way to the beach, although I couldn't tell you how we got there. Before hitting the sand we stopped at a grocery story for some IndeCHEATance Day munchies. Which, to my recollection consisted of chips, cheese, various delicious fruits (sounds lame but a MUST for cheat days, trust me), crackers, bread, and salted cured meats. Then we wrestled in the water for a while. I frightened some children, it was great.

I am looking forward to many more cheat day adventures! My goal is 200lbs, although once I am there I will see if I can just go a little further. After all Cheat Day really is just that much fun. No joke! Follow me, will you? And then you can see how I ended up looking like this:

Instead of like this:

Happy Cheat Day Everyone!

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