Monday, September 23, 2013

Cheat Day. Don't Care.

LIZ: Hello. I hope this first blog post finds you in good spirits.

You may be asking yourself, "what is a 'cheat day?'" For those of you who are unfamiliar, I will describe to you the essence of this glorious and sacred of days.

A 'cheat day' is one day a week (a period of 7 days) when you can indulge in any form of food. Whatever pleases you. Whatever you impulsively desire and have the availability and monetary wealth to acquire. The other days of the week, you are on a rather strict diet of nutritious food. However, on the 'cheat day,' you do not have to calculate nutrition, quantity, or digestibility. 

This sounds down right delightful, does it not? You may be saying "I must take on this ritual!"

HOWEVER--you must understand that you will need to give up all notions of personal dignity. If you are on...

My boyfriend Zach and I decided to try the Slow Carb Diet from the book (the 'cheat day' bible) "The 4 Hour Body"( in May of 2013. Since then, we have had glorious 'cheat days,' ranging from candy in bed, different forms and ways to incorporate cheese into food, beer and wine exercises, and frequenting the many 'cheat day' meccas in our great city of residence: Chicago. 

Zach is a 'Cheat Day' Master. He has lost over 20lbs. I, however, have stuggled, and am only just now understanding the ways of the 'cheat day.' My engines of progress are only now reving, and soon...SOON...I will be a 'Cheat Day' Master myself.

It is here in this blog, henceforth, that we will share our 'cheat day' experiences, our long lists of what has passed through out mouths, through our stomachs and bloodstreams, and onward to a better future. God Bless America. 

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